Friday, February 13, 2015


In this poster we can see a gun printed with the Stars and Stripes and above that, a list of countries with the number of deaths in a year because of gun. All these states have had less then 100 deaths except for Canada and Germany (respectively 200 and 194).
Below this list, we see in bigger letters the number of people killed by gun violence in one year and the USA: almost 10 thousand, with written underneath "God bless America".
This poster is part of the Brady Campaign, campaign that has existed for now 40 years against gun violence in the United States, because the USA are one of the only developed countries to allow its people to carry and use guns.

In this one, we see the same poster but with little differences: first, the gun is older so the poster must be older too. Then, the list of countries is not the same. And last but not least, the number of people killed is higher: instead of almost 10 thounsand people killed by gun in one year, we have more then 11 thousand, which means one good thing: with time, guns are making less victims, or we should hope it is not a casualty.


In these graphics we see two things: first, the top 10 countries where there is gun murder and secondly, the number of people killed by guns in developed countries only this time.
In the first graphic, we can see that the USA are far behind (26th) which can make USA feel better about themselves but if you compare with the second graphic about gun murder in developed countries we can see that USA "wins" the contest by far, because we can probably not compare poor countries with an unstable political state with developped countries, putting the USA first in line when it comes to gun violence in developped countries.

This cartoon denounces the role of the state in the gun traffic in a USA. We see a congressman and someone from the gun lobby exchanging money after an ironic interruption because we see blood on the side so we can guess that somebody was killed, probably by a gun, and the gun lobby guy says: "Now where were we, before we were so rudely interrupted..." which is ironic because he thinks the killing was rude only because it interrupted his business, not because someone was killed.

In this cartoon we can see an old statue representing the authentic second amendment and a parody of this statue with a man from the National Rifle Association standing on a pile of munition boxes.
Next to the first statue, the author wrote "Second Amendment as defined by the founding fathers" and we can see a soldier holding an old gun in his hand and standing proudly.
Next to the second "statue", the man from the NRA, looking scary and scared at the same time, is carrying three rifles and multiple guns in his pocket. He is way "larger" then the man of the other statue and looks really threatening. 
With this cartoon, i think the author is trying to show what were the really goals of the founding fathers with the second amendment, which would be defending their beloved countries and be safe from eventual dangers or animals, but on a defense note, not an attack note as we can see on the second "statue" where we understand that the NRA has taken advantadge of this amendment to turn the USA into a land of fear and where having a gun is normal for every family.